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Guidance on Buttock filler antibiotic usage:

First line treatment for antibiotic usage with suspected infection according to ACE guidelines would be the following:

  • Flucloxacillin 500mg QDS (4 times a day every 8 hours 1 tablet should be taken)

If allergic to penicillin:

  • Clarithromycin 500mg BD (2 times a day every 12 hours 1 tablet should be taken)

Following the administration of the chosen antibiotic the client should then be reviewed (BY A MEDIC) 48 hours later in order to monitor the infection. This consultation must be done face to face and not via any electronic method of communication I.E facetime or teams.

At every opportunity their should be photographs of the suspected infection taken for monitoring purposes.

If after 48 hours there is no signs of improvement the client should be signposted to their GP for further antibiotics and consultation.

If at any point the client displays symptoms of:


  • Fever and high temperatures above 37.5

  • Dizziness

  • Hallucinations

  • Fluid leaking from the area of incision

They MUST be signposted directly to their nearest accident and emergency department and be treated for potential sepsis and incision and drainage of the filler.

Whichever antibiotics are prescribed there is a strict limit to smoking & no drinking advisory

Ensure the client is given strict aftercare as per the practitioner administering the treatment in order to reduce the risk of infection.

Wound care and sterile dressings should be administered to the site after the procedure has taken place and only be removed by the practitioner at the review which should happen every 48 hours within the first week of treatment in accordance with ACE guidelines.

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